Other Imaging Resources at Texas A&M Division of Research Library of all Core Facilities, Centers, and Institutes at Texas A&M University NameLocationImaging EquipmentIntegrated Microscopy and Imaging LaboratoryMedical Education Research Building IIOlympus Fluoview FV3000 ConfocalOlympus VS120 Virtual Slide Scanning SystemLeica SP2 Confocal NanoFluor II Integrated MicroscopeHistology LaboratoryCell Culture LaboratoryTissue Prep LaboratoryBiomedical Engineering Shared LaboratoriesEmerging Technologies BuildingGel Doc EZ Imager Bio-RadSlide Scanner Mikroscan S2Cytation 5 BiotekFluorescence Microscope Nikon Eclipse TE2000-SZeiss Axio-Vert.A1Plate ReaderJEOL JCM-5000SpectrophotometerImage Analysis LabVeterinary Administration Building Room B12ARIVAS SoftwareAxio Imager M2 Motorized Upright MicroscopeBiotek Synergy 4 Microplate ReaderCryostatFEI Transmission Electron MicroscopeZeiss Cell Discoverer 7Zeiss Digital Imaging WorkstationZeiss Elyra S.1 Superresolution MicroscopeZeiss LSM 780/Airy Scan NLO Multiphoton MicroscopeZeiss Stallion Digital Imaging WorkstationZeiss TIRF3 Total Internal Reflection FluorescenceMaterials Characterization FacilityGiesecke Engineering Research Building JEOL JSM-7500FTescan FERA-3 Model GMHTescan LYRA-3 Model GMHCameca SXFiveLeica TCS SP5Thermo Nicolet 380 FTIRDXS 500 Optical MicroscopeHoriba Jobin-Yvon LabRam HR Confocal Raman MicroscopePTI QuantaMaster 40 Fluorescence SpectrometerHitachi U-4100 UV-Vis-NIR SpectrometerCAMECA IMS 4f Ion MicroprobeMechanical Engineering Shared Services FacilitiesMechanical Engineering Office BuildingOlympus BX 61Photron FASTCAM SA5 High Speed CameraVEGA II LSU SEMVHX-600 Digital MicroscopeNational Corrosion and Materials Reliability LabGiesecke Engineering Research Building Lab 219-220JEOL JCM 600 Scanning Electron MicroscopeInverted Nikon Metallurgical Microscope Equipped with an Eclipse MA 100 Model CameraNikon Macroscope Equipped with an SMZ 745T Model CameraUpright Nikon Metallurgical Microscope equipped with a cameraProtein Chemistry LaboratoryBiochemistry/Biophysics BuildingLaser Image ScanningImaging Mass SpectrometrySoft Matter FacilityLynntech building Small Angle X-Ray ScatteringSystems and Synthetic Biology CoreBorlaug Center RM151SpectraMAX I3x/300 Imaging CytometerQpix 420BioLector ProEppendorf Bioflo 120Ultimate 3000IBT Center for Advanced ImagingTexas A&M Institute of Biosciences & Technology Houston, TXGE-Healthcare DeltavisionNikon A1si-Spectral Confocal with TIRFW1-Yokogawa-Ti2-Nikon Spinning Disk Confocal with Optogenetics and High Content ImagingSP9 Spectral Lightning Falcon STEDJoint Microscopy LaboratoryReynolds Medical Sciences BuildingLuminosa Confocal MicroscopeFluoromax Plus Spectro-Fluorometer