Tescan Vega SEM
$65/Hour | TAMU Users & Federal Government Agency Users |
$55/Hour | Off-Peak & Automated Runs (TAMU Users & Federal Government Users only) |
$120/Hour | Other Universities |
$175/Hour | Industry |

Investigation of non-conductive samples is possible in the variable pressure mode and the Oxford EDS detector allows for the characterization of elements in a sample. Surface Texture/roughness, surface profilometry from stereo (stage-tilt or beam tilt) image pairs, using Alicona MeX software.
Source: Tungsten thermionic emission system
Voltage: 200eV-30keV
Beam Current: 1pA to 2µA
- High Vacuum secondary electron:
- 3nm at 30keV
- 8nm at 3keV
- Low Vacuum backscattered electron and Low Vacuum Secondary Electron TESCAN detector:
- 3.5nm at 30keV
Magnification: 1x-1,000,000
Field of View: 7.7mm at 10mmWD, 24mm at 30mm WD
Stage: Large analytical chamber with a fully 5-axis motorized stage
- x=y=130mm
- z=100mm
- Tilt=-30° to +90°
Image Size:
- 16384 x 16384 pixels, adjustable separately for live image (in 3 steps) and for stored images (11 steps)
- Selectable square or 4:3 or 2:1 rectangle
- Unlimited large panorama image size (up to storage capacity)
Equipment associated with the Vega includes: SE detector, retractable BSE detector, low vacuum secondary electron TESCAn detector, pA meter, touch alarm, and IR TV camera.
Electron optics working modes:
- High vacuum mode: includes resolution, depth, field, wide field, and channeling.
- Low vacuum mode: includes resolution and depth.
For imaging services, training, and questions
please contact Dr. Stanislav Vitha, stanvitha@tamu.edu
Instructions and Other Useful Information
How is the training done: Tescan_Vega_Training_Policy.pdf
Download the Startup/Operation/Exit Procedures