Leica DM 6B
$35/Hour | TAMU Users & Federal Government Agency Users |
$30/Hour | Off-Peak & Automated Runs (TAMU Users & Federal Government Users only) 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 a.m. |
$85/Hour | Other Universities |
$130/Hour | Industry |

Upright motorized microscope with fluorescence, phase contrast, DIC, polarization, and image stitching.
Imaging Modes:
- Transmitted light- Brightfield, Polarized Light, Phase Contrast (with 10x, 20x objectives), DIC (with 40x, 63x objectives)
- Fluorescence-LED light source with filter sets for DAPI, GFP, Cy3, Cy5, CFP, YFP, Texas Red (mCherry, Alexa Fluor 594, ..)
1.25x/0.04, 2.5x/0.07, 5x/0.15, 10x/0.32, 20x/0.55, 40x/0.60 dry, and 63x/1.4 oil immersion. The 40x/0.6 is a dry objective with long working distance and a correction collar for window (coverglass) thickness adjustment, and allows high quality imaging through up to 2 mm glass window.
- Leica DM4500 5-megapixel color camera
- Leica DFC9000 GT sCMOS, highly sensitive, low noise camera for weak fluorescence signal
Stage: The microscope scanning stage combined with image stitching allows large samples to be imaged or the entire microscope slide at high resolution.
- LASX software: Multi-channel, time lapse, Z-stack image acquisition, large area scanning, image stitching, autofocus.
- Download the free LAS X Core software for off-line viewing and annotation of images: https://www.leica-microsystems.com/products/microscope-software/p/leica-las-x-ls/
Please contact Dr. Stanislav Vitha, stanvitha@tamu.edu.
Frequenty Asked Questions, Tips and Helpful Hints:
- Which fluorochromes, mounting media and slides/coverslips to use for best results: see this page
- I would like to get trained. How long does it take? Download: DM6B Training Policy
- Is there a short user manual or use instructions:?- Download the DM6B User Guide
- Leica LAS X tips and tutorials – Leica Microsystems YouTube channel – Instructional videos on many aspects of image acquisition in LAS X (Navigator, multi-well plate imaging, autofocus, flat field correction, File management, opening LAS X files in FIJI/ImageJ, ..).